Pridružite se našim navdušujočim ekipam pri Novartisu in se podajte na pot odličnosti in inovacij v farmacevtski industriji.
Novartis is embarking on an exciting new journey of transformation, and we are seeking highly motivated individuals to join us in our pursuit of excellence. We are looking for passionate employees who are eager to contribute their talents and drive our success. This is an incredible opportunity to be part of a dynamic team, shape the future, and make a meaningful impact on the healthcare industry.
Join our exciting teams at Novartis and embark on a journey of excellence and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.
About the Role
You are applying to be part of the Novartis Talent Pool. We are not currently recruiting for this role but we are building a pipeline for future opportunities. If you would like to be considered for a similar position in future, then please submit your CV.
Naj gre za strokovnjaka za finance s specializacijo na področju finančnega razporejanja virov (FRA) in poslovnega načrtovanja ter analitike (BPA), strateškega strokovnjaka za nabavo, strokovnjaka oskrbovalne verige in logistike, vizionarskega projektanta ali izkušenega strokovnjaka za proizvodnjo - ponujamo vam izjemne priložnosti. Sodelujte s partnerji iz različnih področij, izkoristite najsodobnejše tehnologije in podatkovno podprte uvide ter ustvarite vpliv na življenja pacientov po vsem svetu. Skupaj poganjajmo rast, oblikujmo prihodnost in revolucionirajmo zdravstvo.
Pridružite se nam danes ter odklenite neskončne možnosti za sodelovanje, strokovno rast in osebni razvoj. Prijavite se zdaj in postanite del naše zgodbe o rasti, ki bo ponesla vašo kariero na nove višave!
Finance (FRA in BPA)
Finančno upravljanje v farmacevtski industriji vključuje različne dejavnosti in strategije, namenjene učinkovitemu upravljanju s finančnimi viri in poslovanjem farmacevtskih podjetij. Vključuje načrtovanje, organiziranje, nadzor in spremljanje finančnih dejavnosti, da se zagotovi finančna stabilnost in rast podjetja. Poslovno načrtovanje in analitika (BPA) je področje, ki izkorišča podatkovno usmerjena spoznanja in analizo za izboljšanje poslovnih strategij in odločanja. Strokovnjaki za BPA zbirajo in interpretirajo podatke iz različnih virov, da zagotovijo dragocene vpoglede pri načrtovanju in oblikovanju prihodnosti organizacij.
Oskrbovalna veriga in logistika
Zaposleni v oddelkih oskrbovalne verige in logistike so v vsakodnevnem stiku z ekipo podjetja Novartis po vsem svetu. Zagotavljajo ustrezno ravnovesje med ponudbo in povpraševanjem, vzpostavljajo in nadzirajo izvajanje optimalnega nakupnega načrta z namenom izboljšanja sodelovanja s strankami in dobavitelji proizvodnih zmogljivosti. Upravljajo, razvijajo in izvajajo dejavnosti celotnega življenjskega cikla izdelka za tretje osebe, od lansiranja do širjenja.
Nabava ima ključno vlogo pri zagotavljanju nemotenega pretoka izdelkov in storitev, potrebnih za naše poslovanje. Kot vodilno farmacevtsko podjetje se zanašamo na učinkovite nabavne prakse za nabavo visokokakovostnih surovin, opreme in storitev od zaupanja vrednih dobaviteljev. Naša ekipa izkušenih strokovnjakov strateško izbira dobavitelje, pogaja pogodbe in upravlja dobaviteljske odnose, da optimizira stroške, zagotavlja pravočasno dostavo in ohranja najvišje standarde kakovosti.
Z osredotočenostjo na razvoj in vpeljevanje inženirskih rešitev ta ekipa tesno sodeluje s partnerji iz različnih funkcij, da zagotovi uspešno izvajanje projektov in skrbi za nemoten potek proizvodnega procesa. Od načrtovanja in gradnje do zagona in kvalifikacije opreme izkorišča ekipa inženirjev svoje strokovno znanje za zagotavljanje sodobnih objektov in najsodobnejših tehnologij. Prednostno obravnavajo varnost, učinkovitost in skladnost z regulativnimi standardi, da ustvarijo okolje, kjer se lahko razvijajo in proizvajajo kakovostni farmacevtski izdelki.
Zaposleni v proizvodnem okolju skrbijo za kakovostno izvajanje in upravljanje procesov pri proizvodnji aktivnih sestavin, poli izdelkov ali izdelkov s sodobno računalniško vodenimi tehnologijami. V proizvodnji delo opravljajo operaterji, tehniki in tehnologi. Tehnologi so strokovnjaki, ki zagotavljajo podporo za postopke, usklajevanje procesov, uvajanje nove opreme, pripravo tehnične dokumentacije in reševanje odstopanj. Vsi proizvodni procesi morajo biti načrtovani in nadzorovani, da se zagotovi razpoložljivost izdelkov in varno proizvodnjo.
Whether you're a finance expert specializing in Financial Resource Allocations (FRA) and Business Planning and Analytics (BPA), a strategic procurement professional, a supply chain and logistics wizard, a visionary project engineer, or a skilled manufacturing specialist, we have incredible opportunities for you. Collaborate with cross-functional partners, leverage cutting-edge technologies and data-driven insights, and make a tangible impact on the lives of patients worldwide. Together, let's drive growth, shape the future, and revolutionize healthcare. Join us today and unlock endless possibilities for collaboration, professional growth, and personal development. Apply now to be a part of our growth story and elevate your career to new heights!
Finance (FRA and BPA)
Financial management in the pharmaceutical industry encompasses various activities and strategies aimed at effectively managing pharmaceutical companies' financial resources and operations. It involves the planning, organizing, controlling, and monitoring of financial activities to ensure the company's financial stability and growth. Business Planning and Analytics (BPA) is a critical area that utilizes data-driven insights and analysis to enhance business strategies and decision-making. BPA professionals collect and interpret data from various sources to provide valuable insights for planning and shaping the future of organizations.
Procurement plays a crucial role in ensuring the seamless flow of goods and services required for our operations. As a leading pharmaceutical company, we rely on efficient procurement practices to source high-quality raw materials, equipment, and services from trusted suppliers. Our team of experienced professionals strategically selects suppliers, negotiates contracts, and manages supplier relationships to optimize costs, ensure timely delivery, and maintain the highest standards of quality.
Supply chain and logistics
Employees in supply chain and logistics departments are in daily contact with Novartis teams all around the world. They ensure an appropriate balance between supply and demand, setting up and controlling the implementation of an optimal purchasing plan with the aim of improving cooperation with customers and suppliers of production capacities. They manage, develop, and implement activities of the entire product life process to third parties from launch to dissemination.
With a focus on developing and implementing engineering solutions, this team collaborates closely with cross-functional partners to ensure the successful execution of projects throughout the company. From design and construction to equipment installation and validation, the Engineering Team leverages their expertise to deliver state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technologies as well as making sure the manufacturing process runs smoothly. They prioritize safety, efficiency, and compliance to regulatory standards to create an environment where quality pharmaceutical products can be developed and manufactured.
Employees in the manufacturing environment take care of quality implementation and management of processes in the production of active ingredients, poly products, or products with the latest computer-controlled technology. In the manufacturing field, work is done by operators, technicians, and technologists. Technologists serve as content experts, providing support for procedures, coordinating processes, introducing new equipment, preparing technical documentation, and resolving deviations. All manufacturing processes have to be scheduled, planned and monitored to make sure the products are available and manufactured safely.
Why Novartis: Helping people with disease and their families takes more than innovative science. It takes a community of smart, passionate people like you. Collaborating, supporting and inspiring each other. Combining to achieve breakthroughs that change patients’ lives. Ready to create a brighter future together? https://www.novartis.com/about/strategy/people-and-culture
Join our Novartis Network: Not the right Novartis role for you? Sign up to our talent community to stay connected and learn about suitable career opportunities as soon as they come up: https://talentnetwork.novartis.com/network
Benefits and Rewards: Read our handbook to learn about all the ways we’ll help you thrive personally and professionally: https://www.novartis.com/careers/benefits-rewards
Accessibility and accommodation
Novartis is committed to working with and providing reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities. If, because of a medical condition or disability, you need a reasonable accommodation for any part of the recruitment process, or in order to perform the essential functions of a position, please send an e-mail to [email protected] and let us know the nature of your request and your contact information. Please include the job requisition number in your message.
Novartis is committed to building an outstanding, inclusive work environment and diverse teams' representative of the patients and communities we serve.